Frequently asked questions
This is indicative but contact us for specific requests.
- 20kg bags and 500kg big bags.
- Store in a dry, cool and clean environment in the original unopened bags.
- Best if used within 12 months from manufacturing date. Contains added natural Tocopherol.
- Variable weight frozen slabs on pallets (ca. 25kg).
- Store frozen at -18°C.
- 12 months from production respecting storage conditions. Contains added natural Tocopherol.
- Dry - 20kg bags and 500kg big bags.
- Liquid - 200kg drums,900kg IBC.
Store in a dry, cool and clean environment in the original unopened bags.
- Dry - Best if used within 12 months from manufacturing date.
- Liquid - Best if used within 6 months from manufacturing date.
- Available in 10kg cans, 200kg drums, 1 T IBC or bulk
- Store in a dry, cool and clean environment in the original unopened packaging.
- Best if used 6 months from manufacturing date. Shelf life of 2 months in bulk.
- small phase may occur: to be stirred before process.
Oil 6-9:
- 200kg drums, 900kg IBC or bulk
- Optimal conservation when stored in the original packaging at ambient temperature (10°C-25°C)
- Best if used within 12 months from manufacturing date. Contains added natural Tocopherol.
In the context of the global environmental condition, it is the responsibility of any company to examine the environmental impact of their products and services. At Sprÿng—the pet food arm of Ÿnsect—we have performed a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for our range of pet food ingredients.
An LCA is a systematic analysis of potential environmental impacts of products during their entire life cycle. All stages of product development are implicated, and the “potential impacts” cover both inputs (such as use of water, land, and fossil and non-fossil resources) and outputs (emissions into air, water and soil, including GHG emissions, pollutants, pesticides and plastics).
In order to calculate our global LCA, we require access to an LCA for each ingredient: in some cases, this may be provided by the supplier directly; otherwise, we draw the information from recognized databases dedicated to compiling such data (Agribalyse and Ecoinvent).
Since the larvae and frass are used in completely different ways, for different purposes, there is no relevant physical parameter by which to determine this allocation; so we use economic allocation: that is, the proportions are determined by the economic value of the final products 5. This method affords us consistency with other ingredients in the pet food sector, such as co-products from meat slaughtering; and it is also the method used by our feedstock suppliers.
Although not mandatory, we, at Sprÿng, have carried out the LCA of our products in adherence to this particular PEF framework. We have also had our analyses peer-reviewed by an external company, which has verified our methodology and calculations.
5 https://www.ecocostsvalue.com/lca/the-issue-of-allocation/

Sprÿng controls the production chain from beginning to end. We simultaneously breed insects and then go on to process and transform them into ingredients. The composition of our ingredients is further stabilized because we oversee the breeding and the processing. We are the ones feeding and controlling the environment of the insects, but also the ones transforming them.
The mealworms are grown on trays in our vertical farms. The rearing process doesn’t produce waste. All the products and co-products from the breeding of the insects are reused through the frass.
After a rearing period of 3-month, mealworms are ready to be processed. However, about 5% of the larvae will be kept for reproductive purposes, and used to replenish our populations. We manage and oversee the whole life cycle of the insects. The other 95% will be transformed into ingredients.
After the slaughtering, all the products will be used and valorized. We have two ways of transforming our larvae. We either use them whole, or they are separated, and each part is used according to its qualities, and its nutritional and technical properties to produce specific ingredients.
This two-step production process is optimized in order to produce high quality and stable ingredients. Depending on the needs and the demands of our customers, we will be able to orient our production towards wet or dry protein ingredients.
- For quality / nutritional reasons
Mealworms contain a high and complete nutritional profile, the perfect base for our premium ingredients that make up highly concentrated meals (up to 70% protein -one of the highest concentration rate on the insect market) with low ash content and a very good fat. They are highly digestible and have a great impact on performance and health.
- For consistency reason
Due to a stable feed and rearing process protected by numerous patents, the consistency of ingredient is very high.
- For practical reason
Our mealworm ingredients are light brown, have a neutral (nutty) taste and are odorless. With these balance profiles, they are very easy to incorporate up to 45%.
- For security and safety reasons
Mealworms are non-flying insects which make the breeding smoother and easy to scale up. The substrate the insects live on and feed from is dry, which makes it easy to control (more hygienic than wet substrates) and further guarantees high quality and security of final products.