Whole mealworms are blanched and ground to get a consistent paste. With a small particle size (<700μm), our frozen ingredient is easy to incorporate and combine with other ingredients to texturize.
Our WetPro15 is manufactured using an extraction method that does not use any chemical solvents. The process uses controlled feedstock and indoor farming with no external factors to interfere with the production process. This ensures consistency and that the nutritional profile of our WetPro15 will consistently fall within a narrow range.
We offer different larvae sizes:
Small: from 30 to 50 mg (about ½”)
Medium: from 70 to 90 mg (about ¾”)
Large: from 100 to 120 mg (about 1”)
For smaller size of mealworms, please contact us.
Please keep in mind: some amount of variation in size is normal as is expected with any natural product.

Small: from 30 to 50 mg (about ½”)
For smaller size of mealworms, please contact us.
Please keep in mind: some amount of variation in size is normal as is expected with any natural product.

Medium: from 70 to 90 mg (about ¾”)
For smaller size of mealworms, please contact us.
Please keep in mind: some amount of variation in size is normal as is expected with any natural product.

Large: from 100 to 120 mg (about 1”)
For smaller size of mealworms, please contact us.
Please keep in mind: some amount of variation in size is normal as is expected with any natural product.

kg CO2-eq per kg
The LCA of the carbon footprint of Sprÿng WetPro15 has measured its contribution to climate change to be 0.80 kg CO2-eq per kg of the ingredient.